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Effective self-care, development and achievement coach

"Life begins every morning" Joel Osteen

If we want, we can choose again at any time. Every second can be a new morning of the next life or career.


This thought gives you the opportunity to direct your life exactly where YOU want it! The life we've lived so far has given us a wealth of experience, but it doesn't have to define the future or who we've grown to be on our last day.


We may and can change our life direction - choose a different career, a better health, a mission closer to our heart, a better self!

This Joel Osteen quote has become my motto. For me, it means freedom above all. Freedom to choose again at any time, every "morning". This "morning" can be the "morning" of a day, an hour, a minute, a second, because "morning" is the beginning. The moment when feel "Enough of this! Enough!!" is always followed by "morning". And at that moment there is a choice to stay warm in your familiar quagmire or to step out and make a different choice. Choose differently!

If you need support or help with this - someone who will help you choose, plan, implement and analyze changes wisely - contact me. I am happy to be by your side on this exciting journey.


  • Certified health and lifestyle coach, graduate of the ICF-accredited Health Coach Institute.

  • A certified FranklinCovey Coach-Consultant, my main focus is effectiveness.

Why would you need coaching ?

Life is exciting, isn't it?

In my opinion, what makes life especially exciting is that all the answers that we run amok chasing around the world actually exist within ourselves.
Your answers within you and mine within me. And so we have a lifelong treasure hunt - that is, a journey into the depths of ourselves ... in search of answers ... in search of solutions.

However, everything starts with the right questions, sometimes also the wrong questions, in order to find out which ones are the right ones. Most of the time, however, a person needs these questions to be asked from outside his head. That's what a coach is for. Me for example, if you want.

My personal journey to this point, where I make you sit against me, give you a spade or shovel, and lead you on an archaeological dig into the depths of your soul and memory (yes, memory!), has been long and fascinating and criss-crossed with all kind of growth.
Homo sapiens as such became an object of research for me when I was very young. I was fascinated by the world of adults with unexpected, multidimensional and sometimes even picturesque landscapes from the day when, under the age of two, I entered fot the first time my parents' new workplace, the Vanemuise Theater.
At that time, as the only child in the family, this house became my second home under the force of circumstances with its staff of several hundred people.

I have also "completed" the real-life psychology doctoral program later on and have always recognized that homo sapiens is an undeniably interesting creature.

At one point, life led me to a completely foreign topic for me - health.
Since I had only associated this word with doctors and allergy medicines until then, the world that was opened to me, in a good way, swept me off my feet.

I also regained my personal health ... I saw and became convinced of the omnipotence of man. I began to absorb everything related to a person's own possibilities to restore, maintain and improve their health - from pharmaconutrition to various spiritual practices.

Besides health topics, life directed me to self-development books. At first as a reader, then as a translator and now also as a publisher and coach.

Today I tell you sincerely - with all my heart: dear friend, beautiful human being - health and self-development are the two pillars on which the greatness and power of realizing your potential is built.

Life is meant for us to enjoy! Grab a shovel or spade and start an archaeological dig to find out what your highest potential is and how to realize it so that life becomes a blissful experience for you!

Do you want help? Here you go - ask and you'll be given! Let's talk!



+372 5223332

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